The shoppe has been so fun this Summer. We have revamped the sales floor several times with all of our new pretties that we get each week. I can't wait for you all to see it, if you haven't already. It seems to be just sparkling more than ever!
We have been serving free lemonade to our customers all Summer. Especially on those hot days when you have friends and family in town and are showing them our wonderful Historic Downtown Apex. It's so great when you stop in, do a little shopping, have some cool lemonade and we get to chat for a little while. It really makes my day!
I have met so many wonderful customers this summer from all over the world. I love hearing your stories and learning about where you are from while you pin our "Where are y'all visiting from?" map. The pins are getting more and more abundant each week. It's super cool to see them all shine.
I know this sounds crazy, but towards the end of last month we even started putting out our Fall products. They are selling like hotcakes. I know, I know, you don't want to think about the cool Fall weather yet, but it's upon us and it's never too early to prepare and pick up something that catches your eye instead of later when it may be gone. I know I do it. If I have to have it, then it's a done deal. I know most of you feel the same.
Enjoy the rest of your Summer and I look forward to seeing you in the shoppe soon!
xo Shoppe Gal Kathleen.