It was my first, Witches On Salem. Everyone tooling around Downtown Apex in their witches hats and even some dressed in their witches best. Strolling from stop to stop. Shopping the wonderful discounts in the stores. Enjoying beverages. Stopping in for the tastiest food. Laughing, making new friends, taking photos.
The Doodling Bug was so vibrant and fun. Witches of all kids were perusing all of the pretties. Trying things on, sharing what they love with their friends. Admiring all of the new sparkling items that the shoppe had to offer. Walking out with their new, What's Up, My Witches, bags that came with their purchase of the evening. The energy was amazing! I can't wait for next year!
That next day was the Apex Music Festival Redo. This was my second year in attendance, but this year I was able to work the festival. It was so fun to be involved!
Bright and early started set-up time. All of the busy people working hard to make it great. Checking in the bands and vendors. Setting up chairs and stages. Getting all of the food-trucks in their places. Everyone buzzing around, tending to their current duties and others helping wherever necessary.
The music was amazing. People dancing and having a great time. Eating great food. Making new friends. Enjoying all of the vendors. It was a wonderful day and evening had by all.
I even had the pleasure of having two separate tickets from two different attendees, donate their extra ticket to me. I was so excited to give out each ticket to that lucky someone who was buying their ticket that day. I love seeing people pay-it-forward. It made me feel so good to be part of that. The joy that it gave these two individuals to know that their ticket would go to good use. Then the smile and happiness that it brought when I offered the tickets as a surprise to two individuals. Great stuff all around! It was such a great day!
Sunday came around that same weekend and it was time for, Trick-or-Treat on Salem. The streets were blocked off. The children with their friends and families where all dressed up in costumes and going business-to-business collecting their Halloween goodies. Smiles on everyones faces and so much fun had by all.
Downtown Apex has the most wonderful community events. We hope to see you in The Doodling Bug sometime while enjoying our wonderful downtown. We love seeing our customers and friends in the shoppe. Don't be a stranger!
Shoppe Gal Kathleen.